♦ What has been SINBREED doing since 2010 when the first album was launched?

Fortunately we were able to play some gigs to promote When Worlds Collide. There were some cool shows like Prog Power USA XIII and playing with Firewind in Spain for example.

♦ What has Flo Laurin doing all this time?

I personally finished my studies and now that I have «learned» a real job I can focus completely on Sinbreed, (laughs). Beside this, there was lots of management stuff going on, like speaking to AFM and of course, preparing SHADOWS.

♦ Has anything changed in SINBREED from those days to nowadays (more experience maybe)?

Yes, kind of. You know with now being with a bigger Label, some things change automatically, and everything is more planned, more has to happen in a strict timeframe. I like it because I personally like to have things planned in detail, too. And yes, sure helped the years before the release and the 4 years after the release of WWC to get more into the business side of music you know?

♦ When you composed the songs of SHADOWS? Is everything new or you grabbed something from the early days?

Some riffs or basic ideas got used from the early days, but since 2012 we started to compose the new songs so I can say that almost 80% complete new material was used for SHADOWS.

♦ Do you think the SINBREED sound has evolved in some way with this album?

You know it was a very focused decision to reduce the keyboards to zero on SHADOWS. With now two guitarists it felt very natural and very logic, to play everything with those two guitars. So yes, our sound that we started with WWC (very aggressive, super heavy) has evolved even more into the direction we want to have it.

♦ Why did you choose BLEED as the song for the new video (by the way, that clown is very creepy)?

(Laughs), yes! That clown is super creepy, don’t watch this at home alone he is coming after you. I believe Bleed has everything the fans expect from Sinbreed, and I am good with that. You know, mainly riffs, cool leads in the middle and Herbie with the nice Hook and stuff. We chose an EDIT as Single / Video, and on the full record the Songs in nearly 1:30 longer, so this is a little surprise and thank you to our loyal fans, when they buy the album, and listen to it.

♦ Is there any concept along the whole SHADOWS album?

There is not a real concept, but songs like Bleed or Shadows have a «red line» in the lyrics. It’s about the different personalities we all have inside of us, and how we reflect our inside to other people. We always have a choice, which face we show to others!

♦ This time you count with another Blind Guardian member: Marcus Siepen on the guitar. Do you have any kind of relationship with Blind Guardian or something?

You know with Frederik already having a BG member in Sinbreed, the first contact to Marcus was through Fred. We were just looking for a second guitarist because the Sinbreed style needs two guitars in playing live. So Fred asked him for the gigs, they went super cool and it felt very good to play with Marcus so we asked him and he joined right away, fortunately!

♦ This two guitar player factor helped you to achieve something different from the first album?

Yes, like the first mentioned keyboards that are now reduced, to have two guitarist had influence on the songwriting. Like REBORN, the song which was first composed for SHADOWS, you can hear that two guitars are needed, especially at the end of the song, both guitars harmonize very well. Marcus has songwriting credits in this Song, too, so it was the right decision to welcome him to the band!

♦ Apart from Siepen, you kept the very same line up. How important was to you play with the same guys? Does this helped to keep the SINBREED sound?

Absolutely. Sinbreed is no Project, we are a band. And the five people just fit, we know us for a long time now and we know what everybody of us can give to the band. Sinbreed are those five people and this will remain.

♦ What are you going to do next after the release of this new album?

We are currently preparing some live gigs, even a tour maybe. We really want to bring the new songs to the people! It was so fun to record them, now we want to play live and have a good time with all of you!

♦ Where can the people find this new album?

It’s released through AFM-Records coming April 14th and will be available on lots of online stores and digital on iTunes (for example)

♦ Do you have any final comment for all the Latin-American fans?

A big HELLO and THANKS go out to all our Latin-American friends and fans who write us through Facebook or email! We really like the feedback and we try to manage and play for you someday near and party hard on stage! I have heard you know how to to this right (laughs)!