Helion Prime: Interview with Jason Ashcraft

Originally published in HeavyRiff No.40 – March/2016

HeavyRiff 40

helion prime heavyriff




Why begin a new story with Helion Prime and not release this new album as Dire Peril?
Jason: Dire Peril already had plans for a debut album as well as going through a lineup change. Jason started Helion Prime with Heather Michele as a project to express himself musically with stuff he really couldn’t do with Dire Peril. Yes lyrically there are similarities but the music is very different.


Tell me about the writing process. How did you find the riffs? How hard (or easy) was to write the lyrics?
Jason: Typically I would write the music first and get an idea of what I want a song to be about. I would approach Heather with the idea and she would throw in her input and sometimes she would be happy with what I told her or often suggest trying something slightly different. Once we fully agreed on the general theme of the song Heather would handle the lyrics and vocal melodies. Some lyrics came naturally to Heather while others she struggled on but I can say she did an outstanding job on every song.


You are bringing new boundaries to the genre by talking about science. How important do you think is to be a Power Metal band and not talk about only dragons and swords?
Jason: I certainly wouldn’t say this is anything new. Bands like Iron Savior have been doing it for almost twenty years and in recent years it really seems more popular than ever to touch on science/science fiction themes. The only next logical thing to do is sing about Dragons in Space (don’t steal that idea anyone….). I don’t find it very important at all to sing about Dragons or Swords as even the heavy hitters for Power Metal often steer from that.


How hard was to find the other band members? (Bass and drum)
Jason: Thankfully, not hard at all. We still do not have a permanent Lead Guitarist and for most shows our good friend Chad Anderson of Disforia has been feeling in. Jeremy came in on bass almost immediately after we announced we were searching for members and he’s done nothing but prove himself since day one. Justin has been doing a fantastic job on drums and he was already familiar with the project before it really came to be in motion.


How is the chemistry of Helion Prime as a band? Do you think are you able to deal with a tour right now?
Jason: The chemistry is great. We’ve all been friends for a long time. Long before this band was even a though in anyone’s mind. We did a tour last year in August and it was a learning experience for sure but a lot of fun. I personally can’t wait for a second tour…that is better planned out of course (my bad).


What are you going to do after the next two release shows? Will you tour around the country or something?
Jason: We have a few other shows booked for March and April that we haven’t announced yet. Most likely when this interview comes out they will be announced. As I said above I would love to do a tour again and nothing is for sure right now but it’s something I’d like to see happen this year for sure.


You haven’t released the album yet but the band has already being on stage. Has been difficult to play without unveil the whole album?
Jason: I wouldn’t say it’s been difficult but it has been frustrating. If I could have had it my way Dire Peril would have at least three albums out by now but things never work out as you plan.


Which could be the main difference between Dire peril and Helion Prime apart from the female vocalist?
Jason: Aside from the vocals the lyrical content does differ quite a bit. Dire Peril focuses strictly on Science Fiction…mostly space/aliens. Moving forward after our debut album Dire Peril will become a concept band where each album is based on a sci-fi story created by us. Helion Prime, where we do have some nods to sci-fi, focuses more on science fact. Also the music, to me, is drastically different in styles between both bands.


Tell us a little bit about how you are going to distribute the album. Are you releasing it under a label or is an independent thing?
Jason: This album will be released as an independent with hopes of getting management and/or label attention. It will be available across all major distributors as well as Spotify and hopefully Pandora.


Will you release different versions of the album or is just one only edition?
Jason: We will only have one version on CD and a very limited edition on Cassette.


It seems to be that is getting easier to be a Power Metal band nowadays that five year ago or so. Do you agree with that? Do you see any Power Metal uprising the underground States scene?
Jason: Absolutely. I personally have the pleasure of knowing and being friends with many great up and coming power metal bands in the states. To name a few: Judicator, Shadow Strike, Noble Beast, Tanagra, etc. The list can go on and on. There is certainly a power metal uprising right now in America!


Thanks a lot for your time! The last words are yours. Please, share something with all the readers that are just about to listen to Helion Prime! Jason: We appreciate you taking the time to read this we hope you enjoy what you hear. If you like us spread the word to your friends and hopefully some day we can come play for you! Thanks a lot.

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